Save the date for 2025-26 student orientation on August 14, 2025, which includes some new and mandatory parent workshops. For more details, review our 2025 Upper Campus Student Orientation information.
School Supplies
We encourage families to wait until course selection is solidified before purchasing supplies. Students should attend the first few classes with a simple notebook, pen, and device, and then wait for teacher input on the exact supplies needed. Our Upper Campus has an add/drop period during the first two weeks of school, so we do not want families purchasing unnecessary supplies.
Sagemont Prep has limited bus routes. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Natalia Rios, at
Parent PlusPortals
Parent PlusPortals help you stay up to date with your child’s school progress all year. Teachers post updates about academics, upcoming events and school news. Need help? Call our Front Office at (954) 389-2454 if you do not have your username and password. Enter SAGEMONT (all caps) when asked for the name of the school.
Technology makes learning fun and personalized for each student! Students in 6th through 12th grade need to purchase a laptop. With technology, our students can access the internet for learning tools, see class pages online, and use their online textbooks. They also can complete projects with videos and photos, email their teachers, and get help from Sagemont Technical Support.
Every student has a Sagemont Prep email account to use at school and at home. We provide software like Office 365, Adobe Master Collection, and antivirus protection for all school computers. Sagemont Prep also supports Windows laptops and tablets. For more info, see our Technology Requirements 2025-26 or contact Technical Support with any further questions.
Upper Campus Resources
Family Information
Upper Campus Information
Summer Assignments 2025
All summer assignments are worth 30 points and are due in class on September 8, 2025.
English: Summer English assignments coming soon
Community Service
Student Orientation August 14, 2025
Save the date for 2025-26 student orientation on August 14, 2025, which includes some new and mandatory parent workshops. For more details, review our 2025 Upper Campus Student Orientation information.
School Supplies
We encourage families to wait until course selection is solidified before purchasing supplies. Students should attend the first few classes with a simple notebook, pen, and device, and then wait for teacher input on the exact supplies needed. Our Upper Campus has an add/drop period during the first two weeks of school, so we do not want families purchasing unnecessary supplies.
Parent Teacher Organization
You can buy uniforms at The Lions Den Uniform Store. We open every Thursday at 3:00 P.M.
Required Forms (due before the 1st day of class)
Form links are emailed to families directly.
Class of 2025
Week Without Walls: June 2026
Distance Trips
Local Trips
Sagemont Prep has limited bus routes. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Natalia Rios, at
Parent PlusPortals
Parent PlusPortals help you stay up to date with your child’s school progress all year. Teachers post updates about academics, upcoming events and school news. Need help? Call our Front Office at (954) 389-2454 if you do not have your username and password. Enter SAGEMONT (all caps) when asked for the name of the school.
Technology makes learning fun and personalized for each student! Students in 6th through 12th grade need to purchase a laptop. With technology, our students can access the internet for learning tools, see class pages online, and use their online textbooks. They also can complete projects with videos and photos, email their teachers, and get help from Sagemont Technical Support.
Every student has a Sagemont Prep email account to use at school and at home. We provide software like Office 365, Adobe Master Collection, and antivirus protection for all school computers. Sagemont Prep also supports Windows laptops and tablets. For more info, see our Technology Requirements 2025-26 or contact Technical Support with any further questions.