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Visual Arts

Lower Campus

We offer art as a weekly special course for our Lower Campus students. Our program is focused on teaching the production of art and appreciation of art in our history and culture. Students participate in various types of artistic creation, including drawing, painting, sculpture and pottery.

Upper Campus

Sagemont Prep middle school art courses focus on the development of fundamental art skills and higher level thinking. We introduce students to a variety of media including drawing, print making, painting, and collage. Students use an art criticism process to evaluate, explain, and measure artistic growth in personal or group works.

Our high school art program includes disciplines in drawing, painting, digital art, and portfolio work. Drawing and painting classes enable students of all levels to develop perceptual, observational, and compositional skills. Through investigation of traditional techniques, historical and cultural models, and individual expressive goals, students begin to develop a personal art style.

In our digital art courses, students learn the techniques needed to design, create, print, and display original 2-D graphic works of art. Students design digital still images through the single or combined use of computers, digital cameras, scanners, photo editing software, drawing and painting software, graphic tablets, printers and other emerging technologies.

We give high school students the opportunity to receive advanced placement and/or college credit. Prerequisites include at least two years of art course experience, including drawing, painting or 2-D art, demonstrated excellence in content development, and teacher recommendations. Qualified students learn a variety of technical skills in media and composition through drawing and painting assignments. These courses culminate in a portfolio of work developed over the year.